Herbs & Acupuncture Clinic
Herbs & Acupuncture Clinic has a more unique perspective on treating the patient, given my strong biomedical foundation from Willamette University and the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am able to effectively communicate with medical doctors for the benefit of my patients. In addition, I have extensive Chinese herbal medicine training, regularly keep up to date with advances in pain management and acupuncture treatments, and am certified to provide Battlefield Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, and Pediatric Acupuncture using the Shonishin method. I frequently include Reiki energy work and meditations into treatments to provide a complete relaxation experience for my patients.
Caitlin R. Dilli, D.A.C.M., L.Ac.
Dr. Caitlin R. Dilli is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist, and clinical herbalist. She is a skilled practitioner of Chinese medicine, with over eight years of clinical experience, and is thrilled to bring her expertise to you.
Caitlin is trained in Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, and she regularly helps patients with headaches and migraines, women’s health concerns, fertility, stress and anxiety, altered sleep, and digestive disturbances. Her patient focus is on children, teenagers, adults, and elders. Caitlin specializes in integrative pain management, and is particularly adept at supporting patients with challenging pain issues. She is aware of the gaps in Western medicine and has a passion for complex conditions where an answer is not readily apparent. She is comfortable talking with you, your doctor, your pharmacist, and your family to achieve your best outcome. Caitlin is certified in Battlefield Acupuncture, and has completed trauma and resiliency training. She serves as regional coordinator for the Colorado Acupuncture Medical Reserve Corp and volunteers her services to frontline workers in times of crisis. |
Caitlin holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Science, a Master’s of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Willamette University. She has published research on Parkinson’s disease and acupuncture through the University of Colorado.
As a Colorado native, Caitlin yearns to be situated deep in God’s country and is miserably happy with a Tenkara fly rod and a mountain stream. Her happy hour is practicing Qi Gong or teaching Spanish commands to her rescue pup Lola.
As a Colorado native, Caitlin yearns to be situated deep in God’s country and is miserably happy with a Tenkara fly rod and a mountain stream. Her happy hour is practicing Qi Gong or teaching Spanish commands to her rescue pup Lola.
The artist is Bada Shanren, born Zhu Da, and was a leading Chinese painter during the Ming Dynasty. Unlike most Chinese painters, he does not easily fit into any traditional category. In style and personality he was an eccentric and individualist.