If you have decided to receive acupuncture, understanding an acupuncturist’s credentials is an important next step. The following is a list of different types of acupuncturists based on training.
L.Ac.= An individual who has obtained a degree from an ACAOM accredited college and passed the national certification exams administered by the NCCAOM. Training consists of 2700-3500 hours averaging three to four years. Medical acupuncturist= Typically a physician, osteopath, naturopath, or chiropractor who use acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy. Training consists of a 100-300 hour course for certification. Detox acupuncturist= Limited to five points on the ear. Certification programs are 100 hours or less. Trigger point dry needling= This is a style of acupuncture used by physical therapists. Certification of physical therapists in trigger point dry needling is unclear at this time, with most physical therapists having as little as 25 hours of training.
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