Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial rejuvenation, is being hailed as a natural facelift. Younger looking skin, no more crows feet, and no Botox required! This all sounds great, but does it really work? Of course! It works by making you stronger on the inside, which eventually changes how you look on the outside.
Looking young isn't very fun if you feel old. And no one wants to look older than they feel. Cosmetic acupuncture is effective because it resolves the underlying imbalances preventing you from feeling youthful and vibrant. As a licensed acupuncturist who practices cosmetic acupuncture, these are some of the most common questions I receive. If you would like to learn more, please call me to set up a free consultation to see how cosmetic acupuncture can benefit you!
Please note, those who are in poor health may require acupuncture and herbal treatments before starting a cosmetic acupuncture series. There needs to be a baseline of health to build on in order to yield cosmetic improvements. Also, those with sun damage may have unpredictable results. Some people have excellent results while others take longer.
The needling style is also different from acupuncture. In cosmetic acupuncture, needling is shallow and just barely goes into the skin. Also, the needles are much shorter than acupuncture needles. The cosmetic acupuncture needles are similar to those used for auricular or hand acupuncture.
I have a different perspective about wrinkles. I like them. I think lines can be attractive and show that you've lived life. Getting them is inevitable, but you do have control over how many you have and where they are.
Wrinkles are caused by many different things, from the amount of oil in the skin, the climate, or sun damage to repeated facial expressions. So what makes some people get so many wrinkles and others so few? The first type is the person who doesn't feel very much and therefore doesn't express much. These people are not emotionally present. They may stay unwrinkled longer, but the drawback to living this way is that they are usually unprepared for emotional traumas and have trouble coping. When these people do suffer a trauma, they seem to age overnight. This is an advantage to suffering while you are young. It may cause early lines, but it will keep you from getting lines later because you learn how to deal with life while you are still resilient. The second type of person who doesn't wrinkle much is the one who is reclusive and lives away from the stresses of the world. Monks and nuns are a good example. Because their biological needs are taken care of, their lives are sheltered. Stress definitely accelerates the aging process, and it is almost impossible to live in the modern world without stress. A balanced life might include frequent retreats to destress and dewrinkle. The third type of person is one who does not hold onto past trauma. Many people cling to the wounds of the past and torment themselves daily. It doesn't really matter what happens to you in life, what matters is how you feel about it and how you deal with it. There is no such thing as a bad emotion. The only bad emotions are stuck emotions. This inability to release emotion can cause many health problems and lines on the face. If you can, learn to love the features you have. All features have special meaning and, when looked at as a whole, have a beauty and symmetry that needs to be honored and understood. And if past trauma is marking your face, consider cosmetic acupuncture to soften those lines and heal from the inside out. For more thoughts: Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, Lillian Bridges |
Thoughts and practical tips to help you look and feel your best based in the wisdom of Chinese medicine.
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