1.. Sustained Energy
Though it’s common to feel blissfully relaxed during and after an acupuncture treatment, the after effect is usually increased energy. 2. Improved Mental Clarity Many people notice they are able to make decisions faster and with greater confidence after acupuncture. 3. Open-Mindedness Acupuncture requires us to think about health in new ways because it challenges the traditional method of treating disease. 4. Increased Self-Awareness Acupuncture broadens your awareness of things that are damaging to your physical or emotional health. 5. Remembering the Seasons Seasons factor significantly into our physical health, energy levels, sleep, and mood. Regular acupuncture treatments can help you live harmoniously within the seasons. 6. More Patience Since acupuncture rarely works overnight, it requires an investment of time and willingness to let go of an instant gratification mentality. 7. Embracing Change Acupuncture works in the gray area between these extremes of sick to healthy and teaches us to reflect on the subtle changes happening within us. 8. Belief in Yourself An interesting concept to acupuncture is that your body already has what it needs to heal itself. It prompts the body to do what it knows, and it reminds us that we can be well.
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