Acupuncture points have distinct tissue and anatomical properties, especially related to defense mechanisms. When stimulated with a needle, the skin and tissue effectively treat pain with immune and repairing processes.
After needling, the body reacts strongly to destroy the foreign pathogen (needle) by creating an immune response, increasing blood flow and defensive substances to the area. The increase in blood flow reduces muscular tension, improves circulation, and raises the brain’s awareness of that area. When the body realizes the acupuncture needle is harmless, it shuts off the defensive mode with natural pain killers and endocrine substances. They work to eliminate any inflammation in the area; whether caused by the needle or inflammation already present. Acupuncture helps the body heal itself by increasing blood flow to eliminate metabolic buildup and provide oxygen and nutrients to nourish cells, immune substances to protect the cells, and endocrine substances to reduce stress.
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