I have been seeing more infertility in clinic recently. Most everyone questions, "What causes infertility?" and "What can I do to help myself?" Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are excellent as a stand alone therapy, or as a complement to modern fertility treatments. Acupuncture can help by regulating your body's systems, which aides in blood flow to the reproductive organs and stabilizes hormone levels. This will increase ovarian function in women as well as sperm production in men.
The origins of infertility or difficulty conceiving, according to traditional Chinese medicine, are related to upbringing and lifestyle. These origins are:
In traditional Chinese medicine, infertility occurs when the body cannot produce an egg, the egg cannot be fertilized, or the fertilized egg cannot be nourished. When diagnosing infertility, your acupuncturist is differentiating between deficiency or excess. For example, we are trying to determine whether a woman cannot conceive because her body is failing to nourish the uterus since there is a lack of energy or because there is a pathogenic factor blocking the uterus and preventing fertilization. Luckily, once an appropriate diagnosis and differentiation is reached, acupuncture and Chinese herbs are excellent resources to balance out the body so an egg can be produced, fertilized, and nourished into a healthy baby! If you have been diagnosed with infertility, here are some tips to help take care of yourself:
If you have more specific questions or would like to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how traditional Chinese medicine can help your specific condition, please reach out to me! I would love to chat with you! (303) 349-4575, [email protected]. Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chinese Medicine, 2nd ed.; G. Maciocia
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