Battlefield Acupuncture was developed by Dr. Richard Niemtzow in 2001 for quick relief of pain. Dr. Niemtzow came up with the term Battlefield Acupuncture because it could be easily used on the military battlefield. The method involves the insertion of five needles into each ear in situations when narcotics could not be used.
This technique delivers significant pain reduction in just a few minutes. The amount of time a person experiences pain relief can be anywhere from a few hours to days or weeks. More complex pain patterns generally require more frequent treatments. For these cases, it is best to treat twice per week for one or two weeks. Battlefield Acupuncture works by changing the brain’s pain response via the hypothalamus, thalamus, cingulate gyrus, and cerebral cortex structures. I have successfully used this technique work for many different types of pain, such as fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, residual pain from past injuries, digestive pains, and headaches. Call to see if Battlefield Acupuncture could help you get out of pain for good!
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